Evolved PR

Crisis Communication

“When written in Chinese, the word “Crisis” is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity.”

John F. Kennedy

We have another saying around here, and that is “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” When strategized and managed correctly, a crisis can be a powerful tool to build trust, create a competitive advantage, instill confidence, and move an organization forward. Of course, many companies feel overwhelmed when in the midst of a crisis. Know that there is a solution and strategy that can help elevate your brand and reveal unforeseen opportunities.

Crisis Communication

 Our experienced team of crisis experts have assisted organizations from small private firms to national government entities communicate their message and connect with their audience. Some of the ways we can assist before, during, and after a crisis include:

  • Prepare and analyze communication plans
  • Assess current plans and make recommendations for improvement
  • Analyze sentiment and align unified response
  • Develop communication messaging for all outlets (internal, external)
  • Create talking points and speeches
  • Research opportunities to share the corporate message
  • Appoint leadership team where none exists
  • Establish new best practices
  • Determine a recovery roadmap
  • Engage audience in a transparent and authentic way
  • Develop adaptable plans as the situation changes
  • Create communication continuity and facilitate seamless transitions
  • Regain control and diffuse blowback


Many companies find that the cost of crisis preparation and response to be much lower than that of no preparation at all – where millions of dollars can be lost in mitigation and hundred of millions more in reputation and shareholder value. If you are worried that a crisis is not far off, or even if you are in the middle of it, the team here at Evolved PR has helped solve issues from international scandals to internal disputes. We can help flip the script and establish a way forward that builds reputation, trust, and confidence.  

Just to name a few.
Committed to excellence.